Motion Practice, continued
Your presentation should be clear and concise. A very experienced litigator I spoke with told me he always has two presentations prepared. One if he is given his full allotted time and a second if his presentation time is cut short by the judge or for other reasons. In a five minute motion calendar he will have ready both a two and a half minute presentation and another for one minute. The same applies for specially set, longer hearings. The shorter presentation is your “survival kit”.
Stories of strength and bravery of people dealing with Alzheimer’s abound. Glen Campbell is giving a Farewell Tour. He is saying farewell to his fans. He is also saying farewell to himself. Glen has Alzheimer’s. And there are so many more, of those afflicted and of their loved ones and caregivers. I promise you, if have not been touched yourself, talk with friends and you will hear the message over and over.
Please join me at the Walk on Saturday, November 8 at Marlins Park. Registration 7:30 am. Opening ceremonies 8:30am. Here is the link for more information:
Thank you.
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