You’ve determined that the judge is likely to be an obstacle to reasonable resolution.* First, the nuclear option: Recusal. Grounds: “An affidavit stating fear that he or she will not receive a fair trial . . . because of prejudice of the judge . . .” F.S. §38.10 . See also Fla. R. Jud. Admin. 2.330 (d). To paraphrase the words of one judge I spoke with: You darned well better win the motion! Common sense tells you this is a last resort. For an excellent article on this topic see the April, 2012 Florida Bar Journal, “Don’t Let the Blindfold Slip: A Guide to Judicial Disqualification” by Marcia K. Lippincott.
*My sincere thanks to the judges and other lawyers who shared their thoughts with me on this very sensitive topic.