At the Dade County Bar Association’s recent “Over the Rainbow” dinner to benefit Dade Legal Aid, I had the good fortune to be sitting next to litigator Ingrid Benson-Villegas, a regular reader of my Tips for Litigators From Mediatorman. I asked if she had any suggestions for topics that might be of interest. Her response: Common mistakes made by young lawyers. Thank you, Ingrid!
We’ve all seen them. And yes, we’ve all made them! Please share your favorite examples. As always, I will give credit, but I will never use anyone’s name without permission. If I use your example I will send you a $25 Amazon or Starbucks gift card – your choice.
The first of this series, suggested by the senior partner of EPGD Law, Eric Gros-Dubois:
Threatening an F.S. §57.105 filing. Rarely appropriate. And even if appropriate, rarely granted.