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Where an anchor suggested by opposing counsel seems irrational, Rule #1: Do not react emotionally. Keep your client on an even keel. Dissipate the effect of the anchor by calmly and professionally (both are important!) making clear your evaluation of the proposal and offering one of your own. Share Amuse, educate, help your colleagues by sharing experiences you’ve had. If I use your story I will send you a $25 Starbucks gift card and give your name, contact information and practice area. Make your assistant’s day. When you schedule with Mediatorman I prepare and file the mediation documents. No calls or emails needed. It all can be done on http://www.mediatorman.com. Many thanks to Juan Antunez, top tier probate and estate planning attorney and mediator, for introducing me to Harvard’s Program on Negotiation. It is an excellent resource. See http://www.pon.harvard.edu// |