The *&☹★Q!! Factor – the Judge!

You’ve determined that the judge is likely to be an obstacle to reasonable resolution.*  This series began discussing the possibility of the nuclear option of a motion for recusal.  Last in the series is another nuclear option:  Removing yourself from the case.  Considerations:

●    It hurts the client substantially to force him or her to retain new counsel;
●    You don’t want your personal problem with the judge (if that is the case) to harm client interests;
●    You do not want to remove yourself, bail on your client, just because things are getting rough;
●    There are business considerations, client relationship considerations;
●    It is impractical to remove yourself whenever a particular judge is assigned to your case.

In very limited circumstances removing yourself may be the solution.

*My sincere thanks to the judges and other lawyers who shared their thoughts with me on this very sensitive topic.

Certified in civil-circuit, family and appellate.  I was an accountant before becoming an attorney.  Facilities in most major cities.  Schedule without call or email on my website,  

(Because of the nature of the topic, this and a few of the prior Tips were quite long.  Next week and in the future I’ll be back to the normal, very short Tips.)




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